Experience Matters

Paul Cahill is an experienced medical malpractice lawyer with a proven track record of success.
Law books

Khaleel v Indar – No Informed Consent for Inguinal Hernia Repair

On September 29, 2023, the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta found general surgeon, Dr. Adrian Indar, negligent for failing to obtain informed consent from a 26 year-old man for an open inguinal hernia repair. Although the Court did not find the doctor negligent with respect to the procedure itself, the trial judge did conclude that Dr. Indar fell below the standard of care by not offering laparoscopic surgery as an alternative. If this had been offered, the patient would likely have chosen this procedure which would have prevented the vascular insult that caused an atrophied testicle and chronic pain.

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Law books

Beazley v. Johnston – Lyme Disease Negligence Claim Dismissed

On August 31, 2023, a motions judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice summarily dismissed a medical malpractice claim wherein the Plaintiff, Mr. Beazley, alleged negligence and delayed diagnosis with respect to Lyme disease. The Plaintiff alleged that as a result of the delayed diagnosis, he suffered injuries and losses.

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Law books

Dr. Sheoran v. IHA – Doctor Sues Hospital After Patient Assault

On August 8, 2023 the Court of Appeal for British Columbia dismissed the appeal of a psychiatrist, Dr. Rajeev Sheoran, who suffered severe injuries after being assaulted by a psychiatric patient at the Penticton Regional Hospital. Dr. Sheoran alleged that the Interior Health Authority (IHA), the agency that managed and operated the hospital, had been negligent in failing to properly address the risk of violence posed by patients.

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Law books

Massie v PHSA – Class Action Against Imposter Nurse Certified

On July 25, 2023, the Supreme Court of British Columbia certified a class action against the Provincial Health Services Authority (the “PHSA”) for hiring an allegedly unlicensed nurse, Bridgette Cleroux. Ms. Cleroux worked at BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre (the “BCWH”) during 2020 and 2021 and provided nursing care, directly and indirectly, to approximately 1,150 patients who attended for gynecological surgical procedures.

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Law books

Baines v Abounaja – Amputation From Pulseless Leg Transfer Delay

This is a trial decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice arising from a delay in transferring a patient with no pedal pules following a fractured femur (leg) after a motorcycle accident. The patient was initially assessed in the emergency room by the Defendant physician, Dr. Abounaja at Ajax Hospital, a community hospital that did not have a vascular surgery service.

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