Experience Matters

Paul Cahill is an experienced medical malpractice lawyer with a proven track record of success.
Law books

Knight v. Lawson – Delayed Diagnosis of Ureteric Injury

The trial judge considered all the evidence and determined that Dr. Lawson did not fall below the standard of care with respect to surgery. The trial accepted the physician’s evidence that she would have checked the ureters for injury during the procedure even though it was not documented in her operative report. Even if the ureters had not been inspected, the trial judge found that they would not have shown an injury at the time.

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Law books

Fortune-Ozoike v. Wal-Mart – Malpractice Causing Leg Amputation

Ms. Fortune-Ozoike was eventually diagnosed with a left knee dislocation. By the following morning, the blood flow in her left leg was seriously compromised, and she was transferred on an urgent basis by air ambulance to St. Michael’s Hospital. There, she had vascular surgery in the early afternoon of December 27, 2013. Unfortunately, this was too late to save Ms. Fortune-Ozoike’s leg and, on January 4, 2014, she received an above-knee amputation.

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